Wednesday, 11 January 2012


updated my flickr with a bunch of scans.

Via Flickr:
Scanned from Vida La Vida - Coldplay.

Monday, 9 January 2012

if you have any sort of creative outlet and you’re interested in indulging that outlet further, then we want you. mary and i are in the process of setting up an online magazine: it’ll be a creative space, an outlet for all of those who are creative and would like to take their hobbies and crafts a little further. we’re just in the beginnings of things and we’d like you to keep that in mind, however, we need contributors! if you have any sort of creative passion, whether you are a photographer, writer, artist, graphic designer, coder, director, or if you anyother creative interest, and you’d like to get your stuff out there, so to speak, please contact us! please, don’t hesitate! if you’re at all interested, please could send either myself or mary your name, contact details, and a sample of what you would like to contribute.
you can contact myself (hafsa) at: my tumblr ask or my email (
you can contact mary at:
thank you!

made a belt out of a necklace the other day, and i was feeling very proud of myself~

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

calling all creative people!

if you have any sort of creative outlet and you're interested in indulging that outlet further, then we want you. mary and i are in the process of setting up an online magazine: it'll be a creative space, an outlet for all of those who are creative and would like to take their hobbies and crafts a little further. we're just in the beginnings of things and we'd like you to keep that in mind, however, we need contributors! if you have any sort of creative passion, whether you are a photographer, writer, artist, graphic designer, coder, director, or if you anyother creative interest, and you'd like to get your stuff out there, so to speak, please contact us! please, don't hesitate! if you're at all interested, please could send either myself or mary your name, contact details, and a sample of what you would like to contribute.
you can contact myself (hafsa) at: my email
you can contact mary at:
thank you!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

black and white.


There'll always be a special place in my heart for black and white pictures.

new year, new resolutions!

It's that time of year again. I do actually have a few goals this year, though I'll bet any more I'll waste time just as I did last year.

  • Write more, so I can update my flickr more. (I posted a new year poem on there last time, first poem in a while! Hopefully it's not too rusty)
  • Lose some weight. (But isn't that on everyone's list?)
  • Have some writing published. (ie, Adam.)
  • Decide what I want to do with my life.
  • Also, read more. More specifically, all the books on this list.
I've been mulling over the idea of beginning something like an online magazine recently. I don't know, but if I can get enough interest perhaps it'd be something I could start. I'd need photographers and more writers and a whole plethora of creative people, but from here and tumblr I'm pretty sure I'd be able to gather a ton. I don't know, but I'll think on it - if anyone wants in, just leave me a comment/send me a message! <3

Also, I just realised a lot of my recent posts have been text. More picture posts to come! <3